In this tutorial we will show you how to install Vesta Control Panel on Ubuntu 16.04 Vesta Control Panel is an open source alternative to CPanel.It has the same functionality as cpanel including Web Server, DNS, MySQL Database, Mail, and FTP Server. Vesta uses Nginx for the site’s back-end and Apache for the front end. So far Vesta is the best CPanel alternative that I …

How to Install Ginger Management Interface in Ubuntu 16.04
In this guide, we will be installing Ginger, Gingerbase, Wok and Nginx to make a simple to use Management Interface to manage your Ubuntu 16.04 Server where we can manage standard things in our system, like package management, Network interface settings, disks and mounts, User Management, Services, Among other things. You can find more info on Ginger here Installation Connect to your server as …

How To Install Plex media streaming server on Ubuntu 19.04
If you have a large media collection and would like to be able to access it from any device, while still being able to host it locally. Plex is one of the best Media Servers out there. Plex server organizes video, audio, and photos from your media collections and several online services. Plex enables you to access and stream this media to Windows, Linux, …

How to test and patch Ubuntu for the newest exploit CVE-2015-7547 & CVE-2015-5229
The CVE-2015-7547 issue was discovered by the Google Security Team and Red Hat. Who’s vulnerable? Quite a lof systems are potentially vulnerable to this exploit: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 & CentOS 6: RHSA-2016:0175-1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 & CentOS 7: RHSA-2016:0176-1 Debian Squeeze, Wheezy, Jessy & Stretch: CVE-2015-7547 Ubuntu 12.04 & 14.04: CVE-2015-7547 As of the date of disclosure, this vulnerability affects …

The Perfect Web Server – Ubuntu, Ajenti Control Panel and NGINX
We will setup the perfect web server on Ubuntu using Ajenti Control Panel, which is web based server control panel that is really useful for managing servers, if you are familiar with Webmin, it is similar but with a much cleaner interface, it is slowly growing and has lot of plugins to help you manage your server. In this tutorial we will be installing …

How to setup a PiHole Server in Ubuntu 16.04 and block Ads and Spyware
In this guide, we will be installing PiHole in Ubuntu 16.04. Pihole is an incredible easy to use and install AdBlocking Server with an easy to use web interface. PiHole works by replacing your current DNS server and uses multiple blocklists to block malicious DNS queries and AD Sites. The Pi-hole can block ads for all devices on your network once it is set …

How to install a secure mail server in ubuntu with Mail-in-a-box
In this article i will show you how to install a really secure mail server the easy way. Throughout the time i had always had a hard time installing mail servers in Linux, first they require a lot of configuration just to get them working properly, second there is no easy way to manage them and easily add users, aliases or new domains, and …

How to install Ghost Blog in Ubuntu
In this article i will show you how to install the Ghost blogging platform in Ubuntu using Node and Nginx web server. Ghost is beautifully designed blogging platform, completely customisable and completely Open Source, as a matter of fact the blog you are on right now is using Ghost. Ghost will let you write and publish your content, giving you the tools to make …

How to Install Observium in Ubuntu 16.04.2
Today we will be installing Observium Observium is a Network Management and Monitoring System that collects data from multiple devices using SNMP and allows you to monitor all of the networks devices via an easy to use interface. It is PHP-based and uses a MySQL database to store data. Note This guide works with Ubuntu 16.04 Install Connect to your server via SSH ssh …

How to Install WordPress in Ubuntu
Here is a quick tutorial on how to install WordPress in Ubuntu Server, of course we could just install it with a simple sudo apt-get install wordpress but where is the fun in that. We will be installing all the dependecies and setting up the database. Note This time we will install Apache2, PHP, the PHP MYSQL Module, MYSQL Server, and WordPress Install Step …