How to Install a self signed Certificate in NGINX

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install a self-signed SSL Certificate on Nginx for Ubuntu 14.04 When installed on a web server, it activates SSL encryption over port 443 and allows secure connections from the server to a browser. Note This will install an SSL Certificate and configure it with NGINX, so having NGINX installed is required. Install Step 1 Connect …

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Do you want to contribute to Ubuntu Linux or to the Open-Source Community? Or, do you want to promote yourself or your website as an Ubuntu Linux Expert? We have great news. You can Write For Us. Send us a quality articles about Ubuntu Linux, Ubuntu Linux How to Tutorials or Ubuntu Linux Tips and Tricks and we will publish the article in our …

How to install NGINX with Google PageSpeed module in Ubuntu

NGINX is an awesome high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy server. NGINX is one of the best performing web servers available due to it’s ability of Handling high concurrency with high performance and efficiency in mind. In this tutorial i will show you how to compile it from source so we can add Google’s PageSpeed module which the default Ubuntu NGINX lacks. The PageSpeed …

How to install LAMP in Ubuntu

The comonly used LAMP stack is the building block necessary for most web applications to run on a web server. LAMP stands fo Linux, Apache, MSQL, and PHP which are the main services required to run web applications like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and many of today’s dynamic web applications that require constantly changing data to be relayed to the user. Install Step 1 Connect …

How to install OwnCloud in Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install OwnCloud 8 on Ubuntu 15.10. OwnCloud is an open-source alternative to DropBox. It has the same functionality as Dropbox, but unlike DropBox the data is hosted by you and you have total control over it. Note We will be installing OwnCloud, Apache, MariaDB, PHP, as well as some extra PHP modules required by OwnCloud. Install …

How To Install OpenVPN Access Server on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install OpenVPN Access Server on Ubuntu 15.10. OpenVPN Access Server is a Web Interface for the popular OpenVPN open-source software, that provides a set of installation and configuration tools that simplify the deployment of VPN Clients, making the deployed VPN immediately compatible with OpenVPN client software across multiple operating systems. Note We will be installing OpenVPN …

How to install Adminer in Ubuntu 14.04 | Best PHPMyAdmin replacement

I discovered Adminer a few years ago, when i found that a site i was doing some testing on was hacked into. After looking around trough the server, i discover that the server itself was not compromised but only the database, and after countless hours of digging trough log files i discovered that the hacker had gained access trough a PHPMyAdmin vulnerability. I like …

How to Install Ginger Management Interface in Ubuntu 16.04

In this guide, we will be installing Ginger, Gingerbase, Wok and Nginx to make a simple to use Management Interface to manage your Ubuntu 16.04 Server where we can manage standard things in our system, like package management, Network interface settings, disks and mounts, User Management, Services, Among other things. You can find more info on Ginger here Installation Connect to your server as …

How to install Laravel 5.2 in Ubuntu with Nginx

Laravel Framework is one of the best frameworks to build any kind of web app with PHP. It has a great community, and a really good documentation website and also some of the best video tutorials on sites like Some of the key point feature of Laravel : Restful routing. Inherent Database Version control Blade Templating Engine Composer – Makes adding third-party …

Installing and configuring Vesta Control Panel in Ubuntu 16.04

In this tutorial we will show you how to install Vesta Control Panel on Ubuntu 16.04 Vesta Control Panel is an open source alternative to CPanel.It has the same functionality as cpanel including Web Server, DNS, MySQL Database, Mail, and FTP Server. Vesta uses Nginx for the site’s back-end and Apache for the front end. So far Vesta is the best CPanel alternative that I …